Natural Remedies for the Oral Ailment of Periodontitis


In case you are someone who experiences chronic inflammation in the gums, get yourself diagnosed so as get to the root of the problem and begin with the treatment, before the problem worsens and progresses into periodontitis.


What is periodontitis?

Periodontitis refers to the serious oral condition wherein, along with the gums, the tissues, the bone below the gums as well as the supporting structures surrounding the teeth begin to suffer from some serious damage. This gum disease, which is in fact a very common oral problem, is primarily caused by the bacteria deposits in our mouth, also known as dental plaque. Periodontitis is something which usually begins with gingivitis, also known as the swelling of the gums. That is when our body's inflammatory response to the harmful bacteria begins to lose its effect and, in fact, ends up doing more harm than good.


Signs and symptoms

Apart from oral pain, bad breath and general discomfort, periodontitis could also be accompanied by swelling, redness or even bleeding of gums, especially while brushing the teeth. Gradually, this problem can even cause the jaw-bone to damage, and the teeth to loosen and gradually come off. Please note that this particular condition is in fact one of the leading causes of tooth loss, the world over. Not only this, going by several studies conducted worldwide, this particular oral disease could even cause some significant damage to our cardiovascular health. The good news, however, is that the problem is preventable and to some extent, curable.


Herbal remedies for periodontitis

Apart from maintaining good oral hygiene and ensuring regular visits to the dentist, there are various home remedies which could help prevent and even cure, to some extent, the problem of periodontitis. It is always better to practice these in order to arrest the problem, before it becomes so serious that medications and surgeries might be required.

  • Swishing and rinsing mouth with some warm water helps relieve the pain and inflammation, whereas adding some salt to it every once in a while tends to kill harmful oral bacteria. Also known as saltwater treatment, this is a popular oral practice for relieving oral ailments.
  • Using fresh and pure Aloe vera juice for rinsing the mouth also helps, since this particular herbal extract helps reduce chronic inflammation, while also killing the harmful bacteria in the process.
  • Topical application of minced cloves also helps ease the pain and discomfort, owing to its potent antioxidant as well as antiviral properties.
  • Massaging the gums with a slight amount of ginger paste for about half a minute, followed by a good rinse using lukewarm water also helps soothe the gums.
  • Include generous amounts of vitamin C in your diet with taking oranges, kiwis, papaya, strawberry, broccoli etc. These go a long way in maintaining the health of our gums, which preventing them from inflammation and harmful bacteria.
  • Consuming green tea helps with controlling the inflammation, and also preventing the formation of plaque deposits.
  • You could also prepare a quick, DIY mouthwash by mixing equal parts of peppermint, mint oil and some sage leaves with a glass of lukewarm water. Stir the solution well before using it for rinsing your mouth. This helps with getting rid of the bacteria, while leaving behind cool, minty fresh breath.

Turmeric to the rescue

The good old turmeric remains a long favourite of those who like to go natural, especially as far as their dental health is concerned. Owing largely to its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties along with the presence of curcumin- the most active compound, this wonder herb remains a much favoured choice for preventing plaque, putting a stop to the swelling and getting rid of those bad bacteria lingering inside our mouth.

Besides, it is also quite effective at preventing the reddening and bleeding of gums, something which a person with a gum disease would often experience.

We can use some turmeric gel and apply it on the affected areas, let it sit for a while before rinsing it off and spitting it right out. Alternatively, we can also prepare a gum pack by wetting a pinch of turmeric with water and applying it to the affected area, allowing it to sit for a while before giving our mouth a good rinse.


Good oral health for overall well being

Please note that healthy gums and a good oral health makes way for a good overall health. Therefore, take care of those pearly whites, invest generously in a good oral hygiene and do not ignore those early signs of a gum disease, including pain, reddening, swelling or bleeding, no matter what!


Sanat Turmix Mouthwash

Turmix mouth wash provides a natural protection against germs and plaque! Using 10 ml twice a day is sufficient and while relieving the oral issue of periodontitis, this is also indicated in the ailments like halitosis, gingivitis, oral mucositis, pre-cancerous lesions and oral bacterial & fungal infections.

Dr. Sonica Krishan


Author and Speaker
Healthy and Joyous Living through Ayurveda, Meditation, Yoga and other Contemplative practices.

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